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ADS-B Transponder Compliance and Integrity Monitoring
Real Time - Europe and U.S.A.

Latest report: Sunday, 07 Jul 2024 18:57 UTC - Total aircraft monitored: 254252

Daily ADS-B Transponder Equipage and Integrity Highlights

ADS-B MOPS Version 2 Equipage - All aircraft monitored

Total aircraft monitored: 254252
(No ADS-B, Version 0, 1, 2)

This graph shows the real time equipage of ADS-B MOPS Version 0, 1 and 2 of all aircraft monitored, i.e. mainline, regional, business, general aviation, state and military aircraft.

Only those aircraft equipped with a MOPS Version 2 transponder will be compliant from 2020 within EU and U.S., subject to their individual adherence to all data requirements.

Among those aircraft shown as non-compliant there may be aircraft that are not required to be equipped with a MOPS Version 2 transponder, as they do not fly in mandated U.S. airspaces or are slower/lighter than stipulated by the EU mandate.

Tomorrow at this point: "ADS-B MOPS Version 2 Equipage - Mainline fleet"

System Integrity Level (SIL)

Total aircraft monitored: 40735
(Version 2 - EU mandate)

This graph shows the real time performance of all ADS-B MOPS Version 2 aircraft monitored for System Integrity Level (SIL).

Only those MOPS Version 2 aircraft transponders providing, among other parameters, a SIL of equal to or better than 3 (< 1x10-7) will be compliant from 2020, subject to their individual adherence to all other data requirements.

Tomorrow at this point: "System Design Assurance (SDA) - Version 2"

ADS-B MOPS Version 2 Equipage - Airbus

Total aircraft monitored: 9601
(No ADS-B, Version 0, 1, 2)

This graph shows the real time equipage of ADS-B MOPS Version 2 transponders of Airbus aircraft, in relation to all Airbus aircraft monitored (in %).

Only those aircraft equipped with a MOPS Version 2 transponder will be compliant from 2020 within EU and U.S., subject to their individual adherence to all data requirements.

Tomorrow at this point: "ADS-B MOPS Version 2 Transponder Equipage - Regional"

About this web service

This web service provides ADS-B background information and real time ADS-B equipment compliance and integrity data as they are received by our PlaneTRack ADS-B ground stations across Europe and the U.S. Data are derived from ADS-B airborne and surface messages. In addition aircraft without an ADS-B transponder are counted according to their Mode-S replies, as available.

Compliance and integrity data on this site are updated daily.

Our Daily ADS-B Transponder Equipage and Integrity Highlights at the top of this page show three other sets of graphical analysis every 24 hours.

Terms of data access: General equipage and integrity data and statistics are available without registration. Detailed fleet and tailsign compliance data require registration. Registration for a COMPLIMENTARY SUBSCRIPTION is accepted for eligible parties as listed in the right hand column.

To support the industry ahead of the 2020 U.S. and EU ADS-B mandates this site answers these essential questions:

For Avionics OEMs: How many aircraft need upgrades to ADS-B MOPS (Minimum Operational Performance Standard) Version 2 until 2020?

For Aircraft Operators: Which tailsigns in my fleet need upgrades to ADS-B MOPS Version 2? What is the actual ADS-B performance of tailsigns already equipped with ADS-B MOPS Version 2?

For ANSPs and authorities/regulators: What is the current ADS-B MOPS Version 2 compliance rate? Which tailsigns/fleets are equipped with ADS-B MOPS Version 2? What is their actual ADS-B performance?

For MROs: What is the demand for ADS-B MOPS Version 2 upgrades until 2020?

For Third Party Users that use ADS-B data for information purposes: Which tailsigns/fleets provide position data with high accuracy and integrity?

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